Monday 26 March 2012

The Farewell and "the" Thoughts

So the last couple of days have been really dramatic. People going away from me, but in fact getting even closer.That memorable day started with a memory I would rather dispose off in thin air.The day started with an exam as horrifying as it's content. Needless to say the exam was terrible. Afternoon was completely immersed in beer. Yes. Dripping off it. And for the first time in life i would confess one thing  and that is I love walking in the campus when sloshed. A different kind of a chill. Also, one thing which I fail to understand is the plight of leaving college. They say it is a sheer discontinuation of college life. I say it is a sheer start to a new and a better phase of life. Why stick to a swamp full of puppy love, unjustified jealousy, sloppy mentalities and absolute monarchy(the Principal in this case) when you could have almost all of it again with a new platform and a matured background (the smiley with the P). It is true that college is one of the best experiences of life but experiences do turn into memories one fine day right? And, moreover what is the point of wailing when you know you are going to see that person again. Very soon. Nevertheless, I hereby wish all my seniors a better life, a good career and much, MUCH better partners.  The farewell was just one part, the booze another and then quite unsurprisingly come the thoughts. Thoughts which can no more be extinguished. A thought regarding the future can be worth it. One regarding the present or the past can also be. But when thoughts evolve as a combination of the three, it kind of turns depressing. Intoxication on the other hand should be helpful but often ends being useless to me. Who would want rum which pushes them into the trench of a "Don't know, can't understand what" feeling instead of pulling them out of it? Maybe it is the reason of this silence which has settled deep within like an explosive which just need to be triggered. But, towards the end, this is a phase which will unveil itself with nothing but time. Later. :)

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