Friday 15 March 2013


It was a quiet evening. Probably seemed quieter after a long evening in a rambunctious bash. They were strolling down the street which now seemed heavenly with the mild glow of a streetlight above them. Love can do many things you see, even make a dark street seem brighter. The motive to walk down the lane was mainly finding some transport for her. The conversation was too hunky-dory because, alcohol. He spotted a light approaching them and felt a mini wave of relief for he was starting to bother about the time and she reaching home. "I...just don't want this evening to end" she said. "Drop me. We could talk a bit more." The glow in her eyes, was tad too tempting but being a guy he would always prefer sleep after being sloshed. "No sweet I have to go. Mom calling constantly. And it is too late anyway. You should be heading home. I am gonna have to call you tomorrow." He could see the gleam diminishing in those maddeningly beautiful but innocent eyes. but he chose what he had to. What he wanted to. They kissed. Those lips. They made him think again but in vain. It was probably the stubborn attitude which changed him and what they had forever.
              She never understood when it all happened. When did it all start? How, did it all start? One needs a lot of self control to overcome hysteria. She was not one of them. At least not at the moment. She was just a girl who was happier than ever before some moments. Lying on naked earth now, she took hold of time, herself. Not many moments later she could not help but start wailing. It all started when five men, not too pleasant blocked the road and they stopped. One of them pulled the driver out and suddenly she felt a huge fist on her left cheek and everything went black. The next she knew was some random hand tearing her attire apart. Black again. The next she knew was someone entering her for she felt an excruciating pain. She wished she'd be dead rather than bringing it back to her head. She opened her eyes in the hospital with a man and two women in white lab coats. She knew she was in a hospital. Not that her condition had improved.
              He woke up to the buzz of the obnoxious ringtone he had. It was a friend. A mutual friend. It all started with an abuse for he felt the person on the opposite side was merely kidding and it was not at all funny. The friend suggested on coming to the hospital and had started weeping by this time. He felt many things after hanging up. Nausea was the dominant one. He didn't know how did he dress up for he was feeling dizzy all the time. The trip to the hospital seemed to take a lifetime. The world was suddenly too loud and fast for him. He felt a rush so strong that he couldn't predict whether it was a gruesome one or not. he rushed past the reception but started slowing down suddenly. He realized that he wouldn't be able to bear the sight. How could he? How can someone possibly bear to see a loved one battered. Robbed. Robbed of everything. Helpless. Vulnerable. The very thought of it was too much to take. He never knew when did tears start rolling down his eyes. He gathered up all courage to walk into the room and face his beloved. He entered. He looked into those swollen eyes. He walked towards her and held her hand for she was sleeping and he couldn't talk to her. He sat there for a while holding her bruised hand. And then he heard murmuring. She knew he was right there. She knew what she wanted to say. She knew he'd listen. Him, on the other hand had to gather all the courage he had left to go close to her and listen. What followed, broke him. "I did not want to talk to you last night. All I wanted was to be in your arms for I wasn't feeling safe" was all she said before passing out. He walked out of the room ashen for he had started recollecting all that happened last night. All that she spoke. All that she asked for. He fell on his knees, not being able to bear the sudden burden of regret he felt on his shoulders. If only he had gone with her. If only...

              It is never the decision, but always the outcome, which leads to regret.

1 comment:

  1. "It is never the decision, but always the outcome, which leads to regret."
    - Something that anyone would relate to.

    One can feel the thrill after reading this entire piece. Nicely written.

    Keep writing.

